Kodály SA - Primary Ideas Exchange
Monday 31st March 2025
Immanuel Primary School
Corner of Saratoga Drive and Morphett Road, Novar Gardens Schedule
4:00 PM – Registration and Afternoon Tea
4:15 PM – Workshop begins with an interactive session led by Sally Oxenberry
5:30 PM – Conclusion
As part of the afternoon’s session, we invite participants to share a Kodály-inspired idea, activity, or game that has proven successful in their classrooms. Please note that this is entirely voluntary. For those who wish to contribute, please indicate on this form and we will contact you. Each sharing spot will have a 5-minute time limit.
Members free- bring a friend (donation at door)
Let’s get together to share and network!
please register here
Week 9 term 2 23 June-27 June
Online day 25 July Friday week 1 term 3
Applications open NOW for Musical foundations course through Music Education Strategy
apply here
Registration now OPEN for AKC levels and AKA Generalist pilot
please go to AKC SA tab for all information and registration form
Registrations close Monday 16 June 2025
Annual General Meeting 2024
We are pleased to invite all current members to the 2024 Annual General Meeting of The Kodaly Music Education Institute of Australia, South Australian Branch (Kodály SA) which will be held on 23rd November at 11:30 at Café Va Bene, 8/636 Lower Northeast Road, Campbelltown SA.
Catering is offered at own cost.
Please note, RSVP is essential and bookings close by November 15th.
Please register your attendance via our booking link.
For those unable to attend, apologies can be sent via email sa@kodaly.org.au
We hope you can attend and look forward to seeing you there.
Australian Kodály Certificate AKCSA 24 Hybrid delivery Online sessions during term3 face to face in October holidays
Includes four 2.5 hour online sessions in term 3 as compulsory part of the course.

Early years Conference 2
Come and join world renowned educator Lucinda all the way from Scotland for a joyful day of singing, moving and playing.
Start your October holidays with a day of joyful learning and networking!
Session One: How to chose the best repertoire for this age group. What are the criteria for choice?
Session Two: Developing rhythmic skills : Steady beat and how it links with language ability
Session Three: Developing the child’s singing voice. How to help children sing in tune
Participants will receive a link to a handout with all the material used in the session.
Suitable for educators in preschools and foundation
Participants in ‘Musical Foundations’ and ‘Music can do!’ have free access to this day- please use code given by your association at registration
Register NOW- as places will fill quickly

Term 3 EY Conference 1
Presenter: Lucinda Geoghegan - Scotland
Come and spend the day with Lucinda singing, playing and moving - you will have time to be back home for the AFL grandfinal!!!
Saturday 28 September (start of October holidays)
Half day workshop 8:30 registration. sessions 9-1pm
Session One: Sharing songs and rhymes suitable for use with the under threes.
Session Two: Building essential musical experiences using songs, rhymes and picture books
Session Three: Why singing? Building confidence in leading a session / benefits of singing
Participants will receive a link to a handout with all the material used in the session.
Venue: Sophia Community Centre 225 Cross Road Cumberland park
Catering provided for morning tea- bring your own lunch
Targeting 0-3 year old eductators- child care/ rural care/ occasional care/ playgroup/libraries
This workshop is generously supported by Kodály SA
Admission price : general admission $50/ student price $25
Registration link here

Secondary Kodály teacher Catch Up
Kodály SA is hosting a catch up for secondary teachers to connect with each other and share ideas that have worked in their classroom. I know it couldn't get any better, but we are going to do this over a drink and a yummy grazing platter!
Please save the date - Saturday 1st June 2024. (Week 5) 2 -5pm.
5 Gertrude Street, Glandore. (Alex's house)
Please bring: a Kodaly-inspired idea that has worked well in your secondary classroom, and a drink to share.
RSVP for catering purposes to Alex: 0402905917 or alexandramackie888@hotmail.com

Educators Choir Day
A day of joyful singing and music making with Stephanie Eaton. Open to all working in an education setting. Ending with a showcase performance. Secure your spot online.

2023 AGM
The REZZ Business Pod
20 Hamilton Terrace, Newton SA 5074
RSVP Here: https://forms.office.com/r/ynbVhbcrYM
AKC SA 23: Block 2
October Holidays: October 2 – 6, 2023
Venue: Brighton Secondary School

Early Years Conference: Term 3 SAVE THE DATE
Held at EDC (Education Development Centre) 4 Milner street Hindmarsh SA 5007
Registrations https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1046237

Twilight Workshop Two
Pre School Focus: Literacy & Music
Term 2 Wednesday 14th of June 4:45-6:15pm
Kensington Gardens Pre School
Members $25 for one workshop or $40 for both!
Non members $30 for one workshop or $50 for both
Students $5 per session

Musical Foundations Course — Week 5
In collaboration with the Music Education Strategy
Adelaide University, Elder Conservatorium
With an online day, Thursday week 7 tbc
Applications via the Department website - NOW OPEN closing date March 24

Twilight Workshop One CANCELLED due to sickness
Primary Focus: Sing, Move, Create & Connect!
Term 2 Wednesday May 17th 5:15pm-6:30pm
Immanuel Primary, Performing Arts Studio
Members $25 for one workshop or $40 for both!
Non members $30 for one workshop or $50 for both
Students $5 per session

Twilight Sessions - Term 2, Dates TBA
Separate sessions each for the Early Years, Primary Years and for Regional Members

Educator's Choir Project
Due to great demand, Kodaly SA is excited to deliver an innovative choir project for educators throughout SA. The inaugural Educators Choir allows educators from all areas to come together to sing a variety of music in a choral context to develop musical, choral and performance skills, connect and network with other educators as well as receiving all the benefits of singing together in a choir. Culminating in a performance and dinner together, Educators Choir is a Professional and Personal development opportunity not to be missed.
To support both your geographical location, two locations are being offered for each rehearsal as well as providing an alternate date if meeting clashes occurs, at a northern and southern location. In addition, a beginners musicianship class will be offered at one of the locations to support continuing MES participants and anyone looking to strengthen their musicianship and reading skills for the classroom.
Details and registration are available below. Please enrol early (so that admin can determine the viability of running each location) and spread the word by forwarding the details to your colleagues and school.
LINK to registration: https://forms.office.com/r/nvYPKkbk21
Day: Tuesdays
Time: 4.30pm (Musicianship) and 5.15 - 6.45pm (Choir)
Dates: 14 March, 9 May, 6 June, 8 August, 5 Sep
Location: The Well, Festival of Music Building, 28 Hay St, Klemzig
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 5.00 - 6.30pm Choir
Dates: 15 March, 10 May, 7 June, 9 August, 6 Sep
Location: Brighton Secondary School, 305 Brighton Rd, North Brighton
Date: Saturday 9 September
Time: 4.30 - 6pm Combined Rehearsal, 6.30pm Performance, 7.30pm Dinner
Location: Brighton Secondary School, 305 Brighton Rd, North Brighton
Day: Tuesdays
Time: 5.15 - 6.45pm (Choir)
Dates: 14 March, 9 May, 6 June, 8 August, 5 Sep
Location: online via zoom
Please register here

Term 1 Combined Workshop
A combined full day workshop with OSASA, ASME, ANCA, Drama SA and Dance SA. This workshop is geared at primary teachers, classroom and specialists.
Register Here
Fullarton Park
Community Centre
411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton
Members $90
Non-members $140
This includes all sessions, lunch & digital notes for the sessions.
If you are a member of any one of the organising associations, you can register at members price.

Term 4 workshop: Inspire
Join us in our final workshop of the year and immerse yourself in the joy of music-making together in surprising ways!
Bring yourself (and a friend!) a basketball and an instrument (unless you elect to sing) in the grand finale performance of the year, sending you humming (and dribbling – your basketball) into the rest of the weekend!
This workshop includes a scrumptious morning tea (BYO mug).
The Kodaly SA AGM 22 will take place during the morning tea
Members: $40
Non Members: $70
Students: Free
Register Now

Early Years — Full Day Workshop
Joyful Meaningful Music Making
Join Hilary Keegan, director of School of Musical Heartbeats in Perth, for a day filled with musical experiences for little people
Sessions include
- working with babies and toddlers
- preschool children and early years literacy links to music making.
- extending your own musical skills , wherever your starting point is
Adelaide West Uniting Church
312 Sir Donald Bradman Dr
Hilary Keegan, originally from Ireland, studied Music Education at Trinity College Dublin, the Kodály Institute in Hungary and, in May 2020, she was awarded the highest Honors in her Masters of Music, in Music Education (with a Kodály emphasis), from Holy Names University, California, under the direction of Maree Hennessy. Hilary is currently enjoying her maternity leave from PLC, Perth where she taught students from Pre-Kindy (age 3) to Senior School classes and is the Head of Choral.
She currently lectures the Music Education component of the Masters in Early Childhood Education at ECU, and the Primary Australian Kodály Certificate, and has also completed First Steps in Music Education Certificate with John Feierabend. She has recently set up a music school; School of Musical Heartbeats, a place where musical heartbeats are made for life, with group Music classes on offer for Newborns to age 10 children. Hilary also directs the Irish Choir Perth and thoroughly enjoys presenting at professional development courses for General Primary, Secondary and Specialist Music teachers.

Music for Wellbeing
Join Deb Brydon and Debbie O' Shea from Qld for this special session on the power of music to influence the well being of our students.
Face to face or online option.
Location: ‘The Well” 28 Hay Street Klemzig
Instrumental Music and FOM office car park- adjacent to Klemzig PS.
Presented by Deb Brydon and Debbie O’Shea
In this session, Deb and Debbie will look at the power of music to positively influence the well-being of our students. We will begin to investigate this important area of education for the whole child through:
· Whole school singing
· Name games
· Positive touch (including hand clapping games)
· Social aspects
Deb Bryden
Deb Brydon is a primary music specialist who has taught music for over 20 years, been an accredited do-re-mi early childhood teacher and worked as a Senior Project Writer with the Education Queensland’s Curriculum into the Classroom (C2C) project.
Deb has been the project co-ordinator for Kodály QLD’s DVD Projects including Musical Beginnings, Middle Years Music Education and Step Up With Music. She holds an Australian Kodály Certificate (Early Childhood), is an Honorary Life Member of Kodály Australia and is currently President of Kodály QLD. In 2020 Deb was nationally accredited as a Highly Accomplished Teacher by AITSL. She lives on Yagara Country with her husband and 3 children.
Debbie O’Shea
Debbie O’Shea is an enthusiastic and experienced music educator. Her qualifications include a Masters of Music Studies, a Graduate Diploma of Music Education, a Bachelor of Education, and the Holy Names Kodaly Summer Certificate (California - held in Brisbane). In 2020 Debbie earned national accreditation as a Highly Accomplished Teacher.
Debbie is passionate about supporting music educators through Crescendo Music Education. She has worked as a classroom teacher, primary music specialist, early childhood music teacher, curriculum writer, lecturer, workshop presenter, massed choir conductor and composer. Debbie is currently the Treasurer for Kodály Queensland and has the Kodály Philosophy in the heart of her teaching. She has had the honour of working with, Catholic Education, KMEIA Qld, Musica Viva in Schools, Music Count Us In, UQ and Griffith University. Currently, she works as a Primary Music Specialist for the Department of Education Queensland.
Debbie lives North of Brisbane on Turbul Land with her husband and has two children, now lovely young men.
Members $20 ftf and online- recording sent afterwards
Non members $30
Students $10

Term 1 Workshop
UPDATE: New Date!
Sat 19th March
Come and get new ideas for your program- shake things up and enjoy getting together with local presenters and committee early in 2022
PD packages on offer for Department Educators
Applications are open - link here
Applications close May 21- Tuesday week 4 T 2
Be quick and apply for Musical Foundations - Jason Boron and Stephanie Eaton are delivering a great course for educators - see testimony video from 2023 here
If you have done Foundations and want to go deeper, apply for AKCSA 24.
If you have done a level , come and continue your journey! Testimonial video from 2023 here
This offer is ONLY for DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION employees